136 Acres Available in Alma, GA

Where? you say. It's a little town in South Georgia, the seat of Bacon County! This city gets its name from the wife of a traveling salesman, Alma Sheridan. That's one theory anyway! Maybe the second is more likely, the city name is an acronym for the four capitals of Georgia - Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, and Atlanta.
Either way, this is a beautiful area with country landscapes and farms scattered throughout. It's definitely a slower paced community that will allow you to take in the fresh air and scenery it offers.
We have two tracts of land I'm spotlighting today in this area. One is 70 acres and the other is 66 acres. They are divided by a road and can be purchased together or separately.
The 70 acres has about 54 acres that has been planted in pine that is 1 year old. with the remainder 16 +/- acres having merchantable timber. This property has 3 road frontages giving it easy access and it's located in a good agricultural area. It has previously been used for farming and could very well be converted back to cultivation and/or pastureland.
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The 66 acres is a gently sloped property that fronts a public dirt road. It is currently timberland with 20+ year old pines planted making it a great investment tract! While this piece has always been used for forestry/timberland, it could be converted to cultivation or pastureland, as well.
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Either of these properties offer a great opportunity for investors or the young budding farmer that's ready to dig in and have his own farm! This area is home to many acres of timberland and farmland. But the whole 136 acres or buy one of the tracts and start from there.
Dennis is the listing agent and he has answers to any questions you might have about this beautiful piece of dirt! Don't let it get away.
Either way, this is a beautiful area with country landscapes and farms scattered throughout. It's definitely a slower paced community that will allow you to take in the fresh air and scenery it offers.
We have two tracts of land I'm spotlighting today in this area. One is 70 acres and the other is 66 acres. They are divided by a road and can be purchased together or separately.
The 70 acres has about 54 acres that has been planted in pine that is 1 year old. with the remainder 16 +/- acres having merchantable timber. This property has 3 road frontages giving it easy access and it's located in a good agricultural area. It has previously been used for farming and could very well be converted back to cultivation and/or pastureland.
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The 66 acres is a gently sloped property that fronts a public dirt road. It is currently timberland with 20+ year old pines planted making it a great investment tract! While this piece has always been used for forestry/timberland, it could be converted to cultivation or pastureland, as well.
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Either of these properties offer a great opportunity for investors or the young budding farmer that's ready to dig in and have his own farm! This area is home to many acres of timberland and farmland. But the whole 136 acres or buy one of the tracts and start from there.
Dennis is the listing agent and he has answers to any questions you might have about this beautiful piece of dirt! Don't let it get away.
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